FREE SPAYING & NEUTERING! at South Los Angeles Animal Shelter

Category: Animal Issues and Pets
Published on Thursday, 14 August 2014 15:43
Written by D.V. Lawrence
Prior to 2013 between 19 and 20,000 feral and dropped- off family dogs and cats were euthanized at animal shelters. June and July are the worst months as boxes and boxes of kittens are brought to the shelter. Thanks to the mobilization of many rescue organizations, L.A. County’s commitment to reducing the need to euthanize to Zero with its resulting programs like mobile spay units and vouchers -  and along with pet owners becoming more aware and responsible, the numbers dropped sharply in 2013 to approximately 14,000.  

That is still 14,000 too many so recently the ASPCA has provided a grant to the South L.A. Animal Shelter to fund spaying or neutering of dogs and cats,  allowing for FREE SPAYING AND NEUTERING with no qualifying requirements.  Anybody can get their animals fixed FOR FREE!.  To get more information just call the ASPCA, Tuesday through Saturday, at 855-772-9752. (The Animal Shelter is located on West 60th Street, just west of Western Avenue.)

Besides reducing the number of animals that end up euthanized, fixing your pets solves other problems as well.  It reduces testicular cancer in male dogs and stops their frantic efforts to escape your property when they smell a female in heat (which they can do up to 2 miles away).  Females avoid monthly bloody menses and owners don’t have to deal with male dogs sitting on the sidewalk waiting for the female to make an appearance.  Contrary to a popular myth, it does NOT make dogs fat.  Too much food and not enough exercise is responsible for fat dogs.  It  also doesn’t make them lethargic or change anything about their personality.  Be an educated and responsible pet owner and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity! Another good reason? Intact dogs cost $100 and more a year for a license. Only $25 for fixed dogs. 

You can also call animal activist and shelter volunteer,  Margaret Gascoigne at 310-963-0195 for additional information and assistance.