Resident Water Saving Winners

Category: Community News
Published on Thursday, 11 June 2015 15:32
Written by D.V. Lawrence
TNN put out a call to readers to submit photos and stories showing how they saved water and the winner would get a $50 gift to their favorite TNN restaurant.  We couldn't decide between Greg Schreiner of Carmona Ave. and Maria Norris of Somerset Dr. so we will split the reward and each will receive a $25 gift certificate to the TNN's restaurant advertisers of their choice.  Congratulations!


I have removed all of my front lawn and replaced it with California desert plants. They are really doing well and growing more each day. I think I am inspiring my neighbors to consider doing the same.




I love my garden, and am not ready to give it up. Especially my fruiting trees. I use a wide-mouthed pail to collect running water while waiting for my shower water to get warm/hot. After bathing, I put that water out

June15step 2- save waterwebdirectly onto my neediest fruit trees, herbs and flowers. It takes a little effort, but between my husband and I, we save at least a couple of gallons of clean water daily from going directly into the city sewers. When doing a tub bath, we scoop out a pail or two of that gray-water for the grass and non-food producing plantings. 

June15step 1- save waterweb