Roy Readmond

Roy ReadmondWhile grandparents despair that the younger generation has been captured by twitter, instagram, gameboys, selfies, cell phones, celebrity and various other electronic distractions - or that the art of reading a book or writing a poem has been sacrificed to these false gods - they need despair no more. …

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Lily Larsen Adolescent Teen Activist

Lily Larsen Adolescent Teen ActivistBorn and raised in Mid-City LA, 17-year-old Lily Larsen is not your average young person.Unlike most people you know, she spends more time in community meetings than on social media.  Growing up in a socially engaged family she saw the issues her neighborhood faced, big and small, and decided…

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Teens Overcoming Hardships Share at The Blu Elefant

Teens Overcoming Hardships Share at The Blu Elefant Director, producer, and activist Fanny Veliz recently hosted “Kids Talk” at Blu Elefant Café. “Kids Talk” allows teenagers who have stepped up to the plate, to share their experiences and offer advice to their peers on how to navigate the obstacles they may face living in or around the neighborhoods…

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Edward Roberts Jr.

Edward Roberts Jr. In honor of Cedars-Sinai being the official medical center of the Los Angeles Dodgers, the hospital invited former patients from their Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and their families to a Sunday’s night game against the San Francisco Giants. One of their former patients, Edward Roberts Jr.,who lives in the…

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Chemil Durant & Kathleen Glynn Speechmakers

Chemil Durant & Kathleen Glynn SpeechmakersOn Sunday, February 8, American Legion Hollywood Post 43 Commander Don Schilling and Oratorical Chair Randy Kahn presented Los Angeles High School contestants Chemil Durant  and Kathleen Glynn  from Los Angeles High Schoolwith checks and certificates for their speeches in Hollywood Post 43's American Legion High School Oratorical Contest.  Two…

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Walking a Tight Line: Teens Extracurriculars and Academics

Walking a Tight Line: Teens Extracurriculars and AcademicsStress from school has sharply increased in the past years.Colleges are harder to get into, so students are adding more to their plate in order to make their college applications look better. They are doubling their workload and difficulty levels.  But, how are they able to manage the workload? …

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Dominique Fernandez, Poised for Great Discoveries

Dominique Fernandez, Poised for Great Discoveries

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

Contact Us

Dianne V. Lawrence
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