NEXT! Dianne V. Lawrence on wrapping up the hard copy of The Neighborhood News

NEXT! Dianne V. Lawrence on wrapping up the hard copy of The Neighborhood NewsFor 13 years, Dianne V. Lawrence has helmed The Neighborhood News, highlighting noteworthy community members, holding local politicians accountable, and bringing important news and historical stories to the eyes of Mid-City/West Adams readers. It’s not been an easy job printing 14,000 copies of the paper every two months for the…

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Keith Corbin. From the Projects to Head Chef

Keith Corbin. From the Projects to Head ChefKeith Corbin is the Head Chef and creator of the remarkable cuisine at Alta,an explosively popular new restaurant located at 5359 W. Adams and Burnside in the West Adams Corridor. The Corridor is located west of West Blvd and connects Historic West Adams to the Culver City arts district. It is…

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Rosie Shuster Saturday Night Live Alumni

Rosie Shuster  Saturday Night Live AlumniIn one of my early incarnations, my theatre days in Toronto, I was part of a group of people who went on to create a TV show that would revolutionize American comedy television and become a franchise that has lasted over three decades, Saturday Night Live. I did children’s theater…

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10th Anniversary. Couldn't Have Done It Without Them

10th Anniversary. Couldn't Have Done It Without ThemOn this 10th Anniversary Issue I have to shine a light on the people who were there in the beginning, helping me to establish firm foundations.  First - The following people gave much-needed support in the beginning either through encouragement, donations, sharing their experience in publishing,  or all three.  Buck…

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Kitty Bungalow's Shawn Simons

Kitty Bungalow's Shawn SimonsEditors Note: When you think of women who rescue cats, what comes to mind are images of wild hair, cars filled with cat food and too many cats running wild in disorganized houses that smell of urine.  Everything about Kitty Bungalow and its founder Shawn Simons contradicts this image.  When…

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Regina Jones' Got Soul

Regina Jones' Got Soul{jcomments off}Regina Jones grew up quickly. At the age of 10, she recalls spending time in the South L.A. beauty parlor where her mother worked. Good customer service was a given there and eventually, Jones figured out that if she picked up clients’ lunches, her tips would add up…

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The Nicholas Brothers Remembered

The Nicholas Brothers Remembered Fayard and Harold Nicholas made a name for themselves with their feet. From the ages of 14 and 7, the brothers impressed crowds worldwide with their electric tap dancing skills. Though they passed in 2006 and 2000 respectively, the Nicholas Brothers’ legacy lives on through their children, grandchildren and great…

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Interview with the Amazing Grandmaster Ari Moon

Interview with the Amazing Grandmaster Ari MoonIf you take Crenshaw frequently you will have noticed Moorimgoong Martial Arts, a Korean martial arts school housed in the bright orange building between Crenshaw and Olympic.The large floor-to-ceiling picture windows allow you to watch students young, old and in between practicing their moves. The school was started in…

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5th Anniversary Interview with Editor/Publisher Dianne V. Lawrence

5th Anniversary Interview with Editor/Publisher Dianne V. LawrenceOn the 5th Anniversary of the inaugural publication of The Neighborhood News we thought an interview with the publisher/editor might be in order.  Dianne  printed 1,500 copies her first issue and today publishes 13,000 - 14,000 every two months.  How did she get started and what does it take to keep…

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Interview Midtown Shopping Center Developers James R. Young and Courtland Young

Interview  Midtown Shopping Center Developers  James R. Young and Courtland YoungRumors, accusations, and misinformation have been tossed about like ships in a storm since the shocking and abrupt closing at the Midtown Shopping Center of the AMF Midtown Lanes, beloved Maria’s Café and World on Wheels. The approaching closing of Orchard Supply and Hardware (OSH) and the Broadway Federal Bank, along with the…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

Contact Us

Dianne V. Lawrence
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