Importance of Tagging Your Dog

"My dog never gets out." 

Famous last words. 


When Los Angeles experienced an exciting thunder and lightning storm, I went to my front window to enjoy the light show and saw a dog, soaking wet, running down the street in an utter panic. A day after the rains, I saw an unaltered brown male pit bull, dazed, lethargic, shuffling slowly in front of my place.  He had probably been running for most of the night. He seemed exhausted. I went out and gave him water.  He wouldn't eat the food.  The shelter eventually picked him up from a porch he took refuge on. Nextdoor, the neighborhood website, lights up weekly  with “Found Dog” and “Do you know who this dog belongs to?”  Hearbreaking messages from people whose beloved dogs have gone missing. Everyone anxiously keeps vigil in the comments section waiting for good news.  

Unfortunately many of these dogs were not wearing  tags when they escaped.  If they had, the owners could have been notified immediately upon the capture of the dog.  Instead, if the dog is lucky and allows itself to get close to a person, kind-hearted souls will go out of their way to take it in and figure out what to do.  They put up posters, contact animal regulation, take pictures and send out to their email lists -  none of which they would have to do if the owner had simply placed a tag on a collar.  The unlucky ones get hit by cars or become wandering, abandoned dogs unable to find their way home. 

During thunderstorms or July 4th and the week leading up to it, or any holiday celebration involving fireworks,   if you have  an outside  dog, please consider bringing him indoors. Terrified dogs will do whatever it takes to break free of a yard and run and keep running. You can leash her up in the kitchen with a blanket to sleep on if she is not used to being indoors. She will be so grateful. 

No matter the situation, dogs do get out and you can help it find its way home quickly and help the dog rescuers find you quickly: Please tag and micro chip your dog.  Sometimes collars come off or don't go back on after a bath. Micro chips make certain the dog will eventually find its way back to you.  You can go online to order a tag. Petsmart and Petco have tag-making machines. 

A little effort can prevent a world of suffering and heartbreak for the dog, its pet parents, the angels who find them and the friends and neighbors who hold vigil, anxiously hoping the lost dog will find its way home again. 


Los Angeles Animal Services (City of LA)  P: (888) 452-7381  

FixNation  P: (818)524.2287

Most vets can micro chip as well. 




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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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