Dog pulls my arm off during walks. Help!

Dog pulls my arm off during walks. Help!Dear What A Good Dog Walking my dog is a misery. She keeps pulling! Sore Arm{jcomments off}               Dear SoreArm                                                                                                                                                         Dogs do not understand the connection between the collar choking them as they try to pull forward and you at the end of the leash. All they know is that…

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The Backyard Dog, Illegal Tethering and Isolation

The Backyard Dog, Illegal Tethering and Isolation{jcomments off} Bob FerberSupervising AttorneyL.A. City Attorney Animal Protection Unit Everyday as you look out your kitchen window or go into your yard,  you are forced to witness your neighbors dog tied to a dog house or stake while the family is inside or away. Or maybe the dog or dogs…

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HOMEGROWN WEST ADAMS CROP SWAP LA IS BLOOMING!{jcomments off}Last year TNN featured local residents who were responding to the healthy food scarcity in many parts of our community with projects that helped get fruits and vegetables on community tables.  One of the food heroes we featured was Jamiah Hargins and the beginning of his West Adams…

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TURNING FOOD DESERTS  INTO FOOD HARVESTSThe Neighborhood News has often featured stories about local residents who were tackling the problem of limited or nonexistent healthy food options for people in our community.In South Central there are three million residents and 60 grocery stores, while on the Westside there are a hundred thousand residents and…

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Local Food Banks

{jcomments off}Bread of Life Foursquare Gospel ChurchDistribution Address:  5175 ½ W. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016Distribution Times:11:00 am to 12:30 pm Wednesdays3:00 pm Wednesdays 3:00 pm SundaysBlack Foundation 4571 W Washington Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90016 (323) 931-3211 9:00 AM–5:00 PM West Angeles Community Corporation 3045 South Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles,…

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NATURAL IVY FOUNDATION WORKING FOR CD10's HOMELESSSome hold up signs at freeway exits, others live nomadic lives out of their shopping carts but not much else is known about the area’s homeless community. Natural Ivy Foundation located on Hobart at Venice Blvd,  focuses on learning more about the people who live on the streets of Council…

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Gas Company Discounts for Low or Fixed Income Families

Is your annual household income for one person as low as $30,500?Then you may be eligible for a 20% discount on your natural gas bill through the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program.  I applied for my elderly mother who has savings but whose main income is Social…

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Tom Bradley Family Source Center

The Tom Bradley FamilySource Center is committed to continuing the community service legacy of the late Mayor Tom Bradley by coordinating resources and services to assist, enrich, and empower individuals, youth and families. 5213 W. Pico Boulevard  90019  323-692-0669 ADULT SERVICES:Financial Literacy – How to use the banking systemPreparing for…

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The Delta Sigma Theta Seniors

The Delta Sigma Theta Seniors catered meals program invites you to have lunch at one of their nutrition sites. These lunches are served daily, Monday through Friday, and offer mature adults well-balanced, hot meals and socialization. Transportation services to and from the sites are available along with home delivered meals…

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The Christian Food Center

The  Christian Food Center is an 18 year-old non-profit organization that provides basic food staples to disadvantaged families living in Los Angeles County. Cost for individuals is $10.00 per year to be a member and then $25.00 to obtain one week supply of food to feed a family of five.…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

Contact Us

Dianne V. Lawrence
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