Dio’s International Missionary Church

They give away free food, personal items and clothings. Distribution of personal items and clothing varies, based on availability. All Year Round: Distribution of food is twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays at 4:00pm. with special distribution during Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. 323.730.1906 Sat, Dec 11 7:00…

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FAME First American Methodist Church

FAME First American Methodist ChurchBiddy Mason, a woman of  extraordinary vision, began her life as a slave in the 1800s.While still a young woman she was granted her freedom and moved to Los Angeles to pursue a successful career as a nurse and midwife. Biddy saved her money and bought and developed one…

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Saban Free Clinic

The Saban Community Clinic provides free high-quality and compassionate medical and dental care, social services and education and outreach to men, women and children in need. While services are free to the community, they will assist you in determining if you qualify for one or more of their programs.  They…

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T.H.E. (To Help Everyone) Clinic

For more than three decades, T.H.E. (To Help Everyone) Clinic, Inc. has been improving the well-being of in-need, underserved communities in Los Angeles T.H.E.Clinic provides access to high-quality healthcare and preventive education for all, regardless of ability to pay, while being mindful of the diverse cultural, social and economic…

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The Village Health Foundation

The Village Health Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed in 2001, by Jewel Thais-Williams. Their main mission is to provide affordable, accessible, and effective professional services in complementary medicine, including herbs and acupuncture, to the community.  They originally began as a natural healthcare clinic offering nontoxic treatments for people…

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Southern California Counseling Center

Since 1967, the SCCC has been an important resource for the community. Our sliding fee counseling and outreach services are directed to that segment of the community who otherwise would not have access to services.It is the mission of the Southern California Counseling Center to provide high-quality psychological counseling…

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THE ORIGINS OF WATCH NIGHT{jcomments off}Many of you who live or grew up in Black communities in the United States have probably heard of "Watch Night Services," the gathering of the faithful in church on New Year's Eve. The service usually begins anywhere from 7 p.m. To 10 p.m. and ends at midnight with…

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THE ORIGINS OF CHRISTMAShttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChristmasNo one knows what day Jesus Christ was born on. From the biblical description, most historians believe that his birth probably occurred in September, approximately six months after Passover. One thing they agree on is that it is very unlikely that Jesus was born in December, since the…

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A Secret Garden

A Secret GardenA visit to a local treasure reveals secrets to creating a garden that is both peaceful and energizing.Hidden on Adams Blvd. is a serene garden where one can rest and recharge in nature.  Developed by the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA, or Peace Labyrinth, as it is more…

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Pastor Eklund on Jesus and the Poor

Pastor Eklund on Jesus and the Poor Born in a barn, in a box that livestock fed from, to an unwed mother and father, in a strange land. What does Jesus' story have to say about the poor? Pastor Brian Eklund's bio is evidence of a long and dedicated life of spiritual service and influence. He most…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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Dianne V. Lawrence
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