Councilman Wesson? Hello? Anybody Home? Follow up to 'the Mediator'

As we reported in the last issue, the residents from 16th Place, (who reside on a hill above Venice and San Vicente) have been attempting to engage Councilman Wesson’s mediation skills in an effort to remedy the serious impact the wall of the new development at Midtown Crossing, has had on their community.  When residents first asked him to intervene, after an initial response of  “nothing I can do” he finally responded to a list the residents sent him, with a list of ways he was willing to assist.

Since then the residents have been trying to arrange a meeting with the Council Office. To date despite relentless efforts from the residents the meeting has not happened. Is it because, with all of his new “movin on Up” duties at City Hall running the City Council, the concerns of a few residents trying to fight a development Goliath in a district he is still supposed to be not amount to a hill of beans? Perhaps he doesn’t want to disturb Goliath? Here is documentation of the exchange between the residents and the council office:


DEC 13,


Hi Allan [DiCastro, MINC rep] and John [Harmon CD10 rep],

Residents from 16th Place are able to meet on Wednesday, December 14th, at 6pm.  Let us know where you want to meet (16th place is available)?


16th Place Neighborhood Association


Mr. Portillo,

I’m sorry but as I mentioned to you last night this date is not good for us. This is just a very busy week. I know that in an attempt to work with you on this matter someone was trying to set something up for this week. That’ s just not possible, the earliest date I’ve been given is Dec. 22 on a Thursday at 6:00 PM.  Please let me know if this is a good time for you guys. Thanks!

John Harmon



In talking with 16th Place last night and this morning we were already set on Wednesday and I related that to you, Deron, and Allan, as soon as I could per Deron and Allan’s request for a meeting this week.

I will get back to you as soon as I can talk with 16th Place.


DEC. 19,


Hi John,

We can meet at 6pm, on Thursday, December 22, at Estella Holman’s home - 4--- W. 16th Place.  We look forward to seeing you there.



DEC. 21,


The date and time is great but the meeting is to be held at our district office. 1819 S. Western Ave, (Enter from Manhattan one blk west of Western) Sorry for any miss [sic] communication.

John Harmon


Dear John,

There is no misunderstanding, 16th Place agreed to a meeting to be held on our street.  The issue is here and if Council-member Wesson/CIM want to mitigate our issues fairly they will have to see and experience what is now destroying our quality of life - the nightly glare of the parking lights,  the noise reverberating through the neighborhood, and the massive Wall that blocks our iconic views of the Hollywood Hills and has destroyed our property values.

We look forward to hearing from you soon, something positive for the holidays.  And, we hope you will join tomorrow evening on 16th Place as planned.


16th Place Neighborhood Association

DEC 22


Due to various circumstances tonight’s meeting has been postponed. Nevertheless, our office will continue to work with the community and CIM group to help facilitate your concerns. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

John Harmon


Hi John,

I’m sure you can understand how important it is for you and CIM to meet with the residents of 16th Place and see for yourself what we are experiencing.  Please let us know when Council-member Wesson and CIM are available for a meeting, to take place on 16th Place at 6pm, within the next couple of weeks.  We look forward to hearing from you.


16th Place Neighborhood Association



Dear John,

We haven’t heard from Councilman Wesson or from CIM regarding a meeting, please update us.  Thank you.


16th Place Neighborhood Association

JAN. 20


Dear John,

We haven’t heard from Councilman Wesson or from CIM regarding a meeting, please advise.


16th Place Neighborhood Association

JAN. 25


Dear Councilmember Wesson,

Please advise.


16th Place Neighborhood Association

As of Jan 30 neither CIM nor Councilman Herb Wesson have contacted the residents to set up a meeting.





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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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