Washington Corridor Update

RESIDENT COMMENTS AND OPINION (uploaded by reader) With the exception of swearing, hate speech and racial slurs, which will result in postings being eliminated, TNN does not endorse nor reject resident comments.   We support angry responses to issues but draw the line at the targeting of anyone because of race, sexual orientation, gender.

I asked for the councilman's daily calendar from 1/1/8 to 4/1/09 and found no development meetings scheduled. I was sequestered by the councilman to meet him personally to pick up the calendar packet. He wanted to know what he had done to "piss me off". I said "nothing". "It was our hope with your connections as former Speaker of The House for CA you could attract development money to West Adams." He did share he invited Trader Joe's new buisness people to his office and pitched a store at Washington Square but they said "We are never going to put a store in THIS nieghborhood" and the councilman showed them the door. I asked if he ran with this biggoted position to the press and he replied "no". Does Trader Joe's hate black people? I have stopped shopping there since April of this year. It takes money to attract money! Bob Jones (RIP) told me you either have to have money or know money to get development done. He was and always be right!

Gavin Glynn




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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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Dianne V. Lawrence
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