March Mayoral Primary 2009

Villaraigosa....a Shoo-in or a Shoe At?

March Madness is our Mayoral Primary and May Day (19th) is our citywide elections for Angelenos.  Antonio Villaraigos is up for re-election in what appears to be a virtually “uncontested race.”  V is a charming gent you could easily invite to your backyard barbecue or serve as godparent to your child.  But personality aside, do you have the information you need to judge him accurately for his merits or qualifications to continue at the helm?  He has served us as Speaker of the House for California and Mayor of the second largest metropolis in America but can you list any substantial changes he has brought to your neighborhoods?  Did the salacious scandal make the mayor appear more vulnerable and human or did it make us more callous towards him for his demonstration of poor judgment in moral and ethical decisions?  Can the million trees he covered the city with, sway you or are you wondering where the money he promised to give to LAPD by tripling the trash tax, went? Is he Savvy Sam for preventing a strike from the city unions or Slick Rick for allowing his staff to ride a tax, went? Is he Savvy Sam for preventing a strike from the city unions or Slick Rick for allowing his staff to ride a Prius filled up at the city pump on weekends.  Does it bother you LA Weekly reported that according to the city’s own records, Villaraigosa spent 11% of his time actually doing City business and the rest traveling and raising funds for his continued political ambitions? Do we take the bad with the good or is it good for the bad to take?


I want my candidates to tutor a “high risk” (ex-juvie) youth once a week, a school board member to visit Johnnie L.
Cochran, Jr. Middle School every Friday until they achieve an 800 API score, a controller to reveal their FICO score and a mayor who’s greener than my lawn.  I want a Fly-Away bus at the Mid-town Crossing to get out of Dodge, a Trader Joe’s instead of shady Joe’s, a sushi bar on the Boulevard, then West Adams will become the destination not the hesitation.  Does your candidate see your neighborhood as the ghetto or the “get to” or the “get through” on their way to higher planes.

The hired guns of political campaigns would like to bully you into thinking it will be an “uncontested race” a “shoo in” for the big seats such as Mayor, Councilperson, or City Controller and they’re banking on your apathy to keep you away so they can stay.  Obama has made it clear... voters no longer select people by “who you know” but rather “what you know.” Educate yourself on ALL the candidates then TAKE NOTE AND VOTE!!  No one is allowed to complain about toxic traffic, angry grafitti, Whole Foods out of reach, or finding a safe park to play in unless they have made educated votes in every election. 
It will be duly noted that “I Voted”.
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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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