Graffiti Grows Up

Graffiti has often been a negative topic of discussion in city business meetings as well as community block club meetings.  The negative view of graffiti is beginning to change with the proliferation and
recognition of graffiti art – a whole different animal. 

Junemural1You may recall a few issues back; TNN featured an article about Graffiti Artist/Muralist, Mr. Brainwash, whose building is dedicated to graffiti art.  Another Graffiti Artist/Muralist has emerged in our community with his colorful and vibrant artwork.  He goes by the name Dytch66 (pronounced “Ditch”66).  His artwork can be seen in our Mid-City community on the south east and west sides of La Brea Ave. at San Vicente Blvd.  Dytch66 would pass the major intersection on his way to work and saw how lackluster and non-descript it was - in his words “an eye sore,” with the buildings occupying the space often vandalized by graffiti known as “tagging.”Dytch66 decided to approach the owners. Armed with his extraordinary portfolio and resume, he volunteered to transform their outside space with his unique artwork.  The owners of the buildings did not hesitate.  I spoke with the owner of VIP Automotive whose business occupies the south/east corner of La Brea and San Vicente, he said the experience was amazing to see the artist and his small group of assistants, create an art piece with spray paint cans. He said he could not be more pleased with the outcome.  

Upon the completion of the mural, which took only 4 days, his building has become an attraction for people stopping to take photos, and he has not been plagued with tagging since.

Dytch66 is no novice; he makes his living as a commissioned artist and doing television and film projects. He is a successful artist and philanthropist.  His art work has adorned the sides buildings on trendy Melrose
Avenue between La Brea and Fairfax for twenty years.

JUNEMural2His goal is to educate people on graffiti art and the positive impact and the change in city environment it can make in our communities.  He inspires today’s youth by educating them through workshops and high school art classes.  If you would like to learn more about the artist, please visit his website at  

Photos by Dawn Kirkpatrick



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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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