Corinne Pleger

In late November 2011, community dynamo Corinne Pleger passed away unexpectedly.


Corinne was an award-winning costumer, expert ballroom dancer, volunteer extraordinaire, and a CPA and partner with Brakensiek Leavitt Pleger LLP.  She was a past president of West Adams Heritage Association, its longtime treasurer and CPA, and she coordinated their annual Living History Tour for more than a decade. She was also a vital and integral participant in many other organizations, including the Art Deco Society, the Costumers Guild West, the American Women’s Society and Curious Collectors of Bakers Street.  She was a past dean of Costume College, and taught classes every year.

Her presence and friendship will be sorely missed. She is survived by her husband Dave Pleger, son Evan Pleger, mother Bobbi Batchelder, and a full roster of siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews, and literally hundreds of friends.


Corinne and Dave Pleger were married in 1987, and moved to West Adams a year later. The Plegers completely refurbished their 1908 Craftsman home within a year, and soon after that embarked on a new “project” – pregnancy and the birth of their son, Evan, now a sophomore in college.

Dave Pleger in his tribute to Corinne at her funeral, recalled “Corinne blossomed, joining every organization in sight and in each one of them made people’s lives better by her kindness and friendship.”

He continued: “I loved every minute with Corinne and found myself doing everything I could to bring on her smiles. An observer might have thought that she had me wrapped around her finger; in truth my greatest joy in life was to please her, for her happiness was mine too. Together we marveled at our son Evan, who at every stage of his life was always more confident, happy, and assured than either of us had been. In the last few years it was hard to find holiday gifts for Corinne because she felt that she had everything she needed and wanted.”

She will be sorely missed.

information compiled by Laura Myers.




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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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