And the Hits Just Keep on Coming


56 general fund positions will be eliminated, saving the City $3.2 million

LOS ANGELES - Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa today continued his commitment to balancing the City’s budget and announced the elimination of the
Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) and the Human Services Department (HSD).  With this action, 27 positions will be eliminated from EAD and
29 positions from HSD for a total of 56 general funded positions and $3.2 million in on-going salary savings.

“The only way to break the cycle of endemic budget shortfalls is with a long-term strategy to maximize efficiency and revenue,” Mayor Villaraigosa said.  “In the face of continued budget shortfalls, our job now is to find ways to deliver City services cheaper, smarter, and more efficiently.”

The Mayor called for the elimination of the Environmental Affairs Department and the 27 general fund positions within EAD.  The Mayor is maintaining the City’s commitment to make Los Angeles the greenest, cleanest big city in America by creating the Mayor’s Office of Energy, Environment and Sustainability. This newly created office will drive environmental sustainability throughout the City and provide oversight, coordination, and accountability of all city departments.

The Mayor’s Environmental Advisory Council will also be created. This “Green Ribbon” panel will be comprised of the City’s key environmental, academic, community and business leaders who will provide their expertise on the most effective programs to improve the environmental quality of life for all Angelenos.

Several key functions and staff members of the EAD will be transferred to the Bureau of Sanitation, Department of Transportation, Building and Safety, and the Department of Water and Power. 

The Human Services Department and the 29 general fund positions within HSD will also be eliminated. The Commission on Children, Youth and Families, will be integrated into the Community Development Department (CDD) to create a new streamlined commission to oversee City’s anti-poverty policy and programs.  Several other functions and staff of HSD will be transferred to CDD including the domestic violence shelter operations program.  The Young Women from Adversity to Resiliency (YWAR) and related grant-funded staff will be transferred to the Mayor’s GRYD Office. 

On February 4, 2010, the Mayor instructed City Department Heads to immediately begin the process of eliminating 1,000 filled General Fund positions and to the extent possible, transfer personnel from these positions to Special Fund vacancies.  As of today, this expedited effort has resulted in close to 200 transfers.

Yesterday, in response to the City’s credit rating being downgraded, the Council moved to approve the elimination of an additional 3,000 positions.  As Chief Executive Officer, the Mayor is instructing all department heads to begin the process of targeting these additional positions for elimination.  The identification of positions will be under the guidance and direction of the Mayor’s office and in coordination with the City Administrative Officer (CAO).  The Mayor’s proposed Fiscal Year 2010-11 budget will serve as the comprehensive report detailing the position eliminations requested by the City Council.



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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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