June20ChinwebAs we move into month number three of the COVID-19 “Safer-at Home” order, there is some movement which will allow us more freedom on all fronts especially business & commerce. With that said, the threat COVID-19 poses are far from over. In fact, if we fail to keep up social distancing protocols, cleanliness measures, and withdrawing from public life if illness is suspected, we could launch a whole “second wave” which could hit us even worse.

Over this three-month period, testing efforts have gone from very limited which required that any person seeking a test to, at minimum, show symptoms of the illness to a “testing-for-all/no strings attached” directive. In fact, the city of Los Angeles has led the way in opening this testing up by breaking with convention and announcing that residents from all areas of L.A. County could come to our city to get the test. This drew the chagrin of the L.A. County Department of Public Health and some others, but L.A. stuck to its guns and stayed the course.

For those seeking to get a test, keep in mind that PRIORITY is still given to those who report they are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Additionally, “Front Line Personnel” such as doctors, nurses, firefighters, and EMTs are also given a priority as they are necessary workers in the area of emergency services. For the rest of us, all you need to do is go to the L.A. City website located at At the top of the home page, you will see button connecting you to the option “Free COVID-19 Testing for L.A. County Residents.” Press that button and you will be taken to a page named “Free COVID-19 Testing.” It is important that you MAKE AN APPOINTMENT for testing. NO ONE without an appointment will be tested. The appointment process is actually very easy and, in some cases, you may even get the test on the same day. On this same page, you can look at the numerous testing site locations and choose the one that works for you.

Most of us are familiar with the testing site located at Dodger Stadium. We’ve seen the images of folks driving up in their cars, getting the mouth swab, and driving off. It’s that easy. Did you know that other centers are classified as “walk up centers?” Yes, there are locations where you can park your car, leap off the bus, or climb out of your Uber and walk into an office where you will be swabbed and released. Again, it’s that easy. To follow is a short list of locations where you can get a COVID-19 Test.

Cedars Sinai Medical Center

Drive Thru

8730 Alden Avenue

L.A. 90059

Dodger Stadium

Drive Thru

1101 Scott Avenue

Los Angeles 90012

Crenshaw Christian Center

Drive Thru

7901 Vermont Avenue

Los Angeles 90044

Los Angeles County – Crenshaw Office


3606 West Exposition Boulevard

Los Angeles 90016

Exposition Park

Drive Thru

3986 South Hoover Street

Los Angeles 90037

St. John’s Well Child & Family Center


4251 Crenshaw Boulevard

Los Angeles 90008

Sean Penn has funded a well used testing organization- CLICK HERE.

Take advantage of this free testing. However, we repeat, nothing replaces preventive measures such as social distancing, cleanliness measures, and staying home if you suspect you are sick. If we follow this process, we can definitely slow the spread of this potentially deadly virus.

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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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