What Happens If Cell Antennas And Electricity are Knocked Out in a Crisis

What Happens If Cell Antennas And Electricity are Knocked Out in a CrisisIn the 2016 November-December issue Chin wrote an article about using walkie talkies in emergencies. He received an amazing response, so we thought it was a good idea to come back and share some of the stories of the community involvement that resulted from the article and the importance of…

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Living Under Cell Phone Towers. How Did This Happen?

Living Under Cell Phone Towers. How Did This Happen?In an apartment located at Lafayette Place, on the southwest corner of Crenshaw and Venice Boulevards, next to KFC and Taco Bell, 1-bedroom apartments rent for $1850 a month.The units are newly renovated, with a pool and underground parking on site and… 20 wireless network antennas concealed in awkward…

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Letter to the FAA from the LAX Community Roundtable

January 17, 2018One World Way, P.O. Box 92216, Los Angeles, CA 90009Mr. Daniel K. Elwell, Acting Administrator Federal Aviation Authority800 Independence Ave. SWWashington D.C., 20591Mr. Dennis Roberts, Regional Administrator FAA Western-Pacific Region15000 Aviation Blvd.Lawndale, CA 90261Expressed opinions are of the membership and is not the official…

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Jefferson Park 5th Annual Kids Holiday Festival

Jefferson Park 5th Annual Kids Holiday Festival On Saturday, December 16, 2017,  Jefferson Park held the 5th Annual Kids Holiday Festival.  Local residents and kids from five schools along Jefferson Bvd. were up bright and early, eager to start jumping in the combo jumper slide, play video games inside a mobile game truck, get their faces…

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FEB 2018 Airline Noise Highway Crisis Update

FEB 2018 Airline Noise Highway Crisis UpdateOP-ED  (with updates at bottom of article)Recent Comments from the West Adams For Quiet Skies Facebook page:  "So incredibly bad today. Driving me crazy."    "Just had an Airbus fly over at 2100’. Horrific."  "11:50 pm and they are still coming loud and low every 10 minutes. It…

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The History of Adams Boulevard Crenshaw to Fairfax .

The History of Adams Boulevard Crenshaw to Fairfax .Editor: In our last issue, The Neighborhood News ran an article about the Historic West Adams District, its neighborhoods and how, historically, its boundaries were set. The authors, both historians, have decades of research experience and cited newspapers dating back 100 years evidencing both “what” and “where” the West Adams…

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The William Grant Still Arts Center Presents 37th Annual Black Doll Show: Jubilee, Celebrations in Color

The William Grant Still Arts Center Presents 37th Annual Black Doll Show: Jubilee, Celebrations in ColorFor its 37th Annual Black Doll Show the William Grant Still Arts Center will be focusing on gatherings, coming together and events to remember through doll artistry and displays. Showcasing Black life as a celebration of events that are monumental and small, ordinary, and extraordinary, events that depict Black life…

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Hepatitis 'A' Outbreak in the Homeless Community

Hepatitis 'A' Outbreak in the Homeless Community Hepatitis A is the subject of discussions on the health front, homeless front, law enforcement front, and every other front there is. Hepatitis A, an acute liver disease, has been on a steady rise here in Southern California especially among our homeless population. Over the past few years, the numbers…

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William Clark Andrews Library Reborn and You Are Invited

William Clark Andrews Library Reborn and You Are InvitedIIn April of 2015 TNN reported on the temporary closure of the Williams Andrews Clark Library for building upgrades.  Here is the report from the Clark on the exciting reopening this January: We are delighted to report that on Jan 21, 2018 there will be a ribbon-cceunremony, open to the…

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MID-CITY HEIGHTS COALITION TAKES STEPS TO DEAL WITH HOMELESS ENCAMPMENTEarly this year a homeless community set up an encampment along the 10 Freeway by Highland.  Not only were some of their members caught attempting burglary but some responded threateningly to local residents during efforts to communicate with them. The last straw for the community was the use of…

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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

Contact Us

Dianne V. Lawrence
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