Mid City Neighborhood Council MINC

To go to MINC website click here

PRESIDENT, Allan DiCastro

For over 5 years now, I have been directly involved in MINC.  First as a non-board member (i.e.; stakeholder), then as Vice President and now as President of MINC.  I see that every decision this community makes has a long term impact. The depth & breadth of which we may not be able to realize yet.

The only way such changes can be intelligently made is for everyone to educate themselves to the point of understanding as much of the issue as possible. Not an easy task when you consider all of our personalities, schedules and fears must ultimately be managed to get to those solutions. But it is well worth it when you see the significant drop in crime in the MINC area and the fabulous increases in property value. The MINC area's quality of life has improved markedly.

But we have so much more to do. So I invite all of you to help join in to save this wonderful community's future. Your first step is to choose to make a positive difference in the area, then to join us at the MINC Stakeholder meetings (every 2nd Monday of the month) and last to commit to being a part of the solution for your community.

See you at MINC!!


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About Us

Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

Contact Us

Dianne V. Lawrence
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