United Neighborhoods Neighborhood Council (UNNC) JUNE/JULY 2011

Norman Gilmore presented a funding request for up to $600 to rent a webserver for a year. Passed

Roy Amemiya made arequest for up to $125 to provide refreshments to an upcoming Wilshire Community Police Advisory Board. Passed

Brian Jett for Western Heights Neighborhood Association presented a funding request for $3,500 for completion of the beautification and greening of three City-approved traffic easements being constructed on Arlington and Manhattan Place. Western Heights was approved for these funds in the previous fiscal year, but were unable to complete the funding with the city credit card due to mis-communication with the vendor. UNNC had previously asked for additional information from Western Heights, specifically, a list of pledged amounts from the community. Board member Chris Carlson presented this information for Western Heights. The list had 33 pledges totaling $20,946. Laura Meyers was concerned that the list should have included a full accounting of all the funds raised, as requested. (ed. note - the project costs $90,000) Chris Carlson listed various fundraisers that have provided the additional funds and pointed out

that theUNNC funds are a capital improvement to the community with a permanent benefit. She noted that Western Heights had reduced its funding request by $1000. She stated that the barriers will be going in, but without funding for the landscaping, she cannot state when the landscaping will be completed. Stevie Stern stated that she was concerned that this amount had not been spent previosly, however, she acknowledged that volunteers navigating a difficult city process makes it understandable. Dianne Lawrence expressed concern that the group had told the Building Permit Board they had all the money to complete the project and wondered why they were coming to UNNC for funding if this were true and why neighbors couldn’t donate plants and planting time. She presented letters from Cecilia Uribe expressing opposition to the project and concern that the group was asking for city tax payers to fund barricades that would prevent them from accessing the street and from Brian Eklund who did not support a barricaded community. Luis South stated that he thought the above reasons were not compelling reasons to prevent funding the project and that community efforts should be supported.  Laura Myers moved to fund $900 which was seconded. She said they could come back later for more if need be. Chris Carlson requested the motion be amended to $3,500. Request was denied. Motion to approve $900 passed.


Luis South requested $900  for painting supplies for  the Inter-Faith Alley Murals Project to beautify the alleys and increase pride of ownership. The city gated off many local alleys several years ago at the request of the neighbors to eliminate the prostitution, vagrancy, dumping and other problems that occurred in the valley. Only residents have keys to their local alley. The community will gather to paint murals at the 2000 block of 30th and 31st St on July 23rd. Several board members wondered if the murals are accessible to the public since the alley is gated and kept locked.  Motion to fund up to $200 failed by one vote.

Jeff Camp moved that UNNC support the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition and join PushBackTheTax.com (a grass roots effort supported by Los Angeles Neighborhood Council); and advocate that no rate increase be made until the voter approved Rate Payer Advocate has been selected by the City Council and has had the opportunity to thoroughly review the DWP’s rate increase request. Steve Wallis noted that DWP is not currently required to pay property owners for excess solar power put back on the DWP grid. Laura Meyers made a friendly amendment that was accepted by the movant and second, that additional letters be written to all city council members that have stakeholders in UNNC, reflecting the above position. Motion Passed.

John Arnold presented a slide show of the Fitzgerald House at Adams and Arlington, and the Washington Irving Library which have fallen into disrepair.

Laura Meyers made a motion that listed a series of suggested requirments that would guide the city’s actions in addressing neglected landmarks. It passed. For a complete list consult UNNC website under Archives for July 7 2011 Minutes.







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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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