Olympic Park Neighborhood (OPNC) Council Oct. 2010 Report

New street mediums are being installed on Pico west of La Brea with more mediums to come.  The mediums with overgrown vegetation should be cleaned up soon by the City.
-  $1,400 was approved for advertising in the Mid City Press for 6 months.
-  $500.00 for candy and the puppet show at the Queen Anne Park Halloween event was approved. 
- Leopoldo Guerrero was approved unanimously as the East Area Representative on  the Board.

- Artaro Cabrona President of the Los Angeles Workers’ Center submitted his proposal for a Neighborhood Purpose Grant. He gave the history of the LA Workers’ Center and described the mission of the center. The center is is requesting $5,000 to build a handicap ramp entailing 55 feet of construction. The Board requested additional information.
- Mr. Michelson gave a short presentation about local school projects he recommends they get involved with: LA High alumni The Roman Circle are coordinating graffiti removal and campus beautification and are asking for volunteers to work with them. Pico Middle School is a national recognized program and is looking for volunteers to mentor kids in the classrooms. Ms. Vizza will work with Mr. Michelson in coordinating events.
- OPNC Logo was approved by DONE.




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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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