- Neighborhood Clean Up Proposal. Betty Bryant from MINC presented an opportunity for OPNC and MINC to jointly clean up Pico Blvd. Several years earlier, MINC undertook the cleanup of 16-blocks of Pico “southside”. Betty encouraged OPNC to clean up the Pico “northside”. A Representative from the Cryliss Non-Profit Program also provided information on securing manpower for sweeping and cleaning sidewalks.
Midtown Crossing Public Art proposal update: 200k is going to art at the Midtown development, the other 400k is going off site, including some amount to the Nate Holden Performing Arts Center. Board members expressed a desire to have input regarding the use of the area around the art piece and concern that no billboards be placed close to the artwork.
- Stakeholder reported a shooting death in front of her property. Also requested that OPNC invest in speed bumps in the Queen Anne area because of vehicle speed.
- OPNC Events under discussion and planning: (a) Job Fair: (b) OPNCs Movies in the Park, (c) OPNC Pet Fair in the Park; (d) OPNCs 1st Annual music Festival at Queen Anne; (e) OPNCs 1st Annual Neighborhood Council Roundup
- “Drug-Take-Back-Program”: The Pharmacy Depot is canvasing various Community Organizations, including OPNC, to announce their Drug Take Back Program. The Pharmacy Depot will accept all unwanted prescription drugs. Their focus is that proper drug disposal protects the environment, prevents misuse; and keeps our kids & pets safe. The Pharmacy Depot is located at 4972 W. Pico Blvd, 2nd floor (disposeMyMeds.com).
- Midtown Crossing Signage
(Peter Schulberg and Tom Smith): Concerns discussed regarding an ongoing signage issue: it appears that CIM, the developer for Midtown, is attempting to get 20 times the allowable signage for the Midtown Crossing Project. Concerns over night-time lighting discussed. One OPNC Rep expressed concern that CRA may have given developers a blank check for installing signage. The static art piece will be 20K SQ ft. and the advertising signage could potentially dwarf the art piece, which was to be a focal point for the center. Total number of signs expected are 40 and content could include beer signs. Sylvia Lacy said the City stopped all signage discussion until the City completed its current discussion on Signage guidelines. Motion approved to formulate a letter of concern regarding the request by CIM for variances (changes in what is allowed) for the signage.
- Resident Lynn Kuwahara expressed concern about a marijuana outlet next to the public swimming pool. Sylvia Lacy requested the location to confirm if the outlet has a permit.
For more info - www.opnc.org
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