P.I.C.O. Neighborhood Council June 2012


Mr. Joe Gathier informed the board of his desire to volunteer for a vacancy on the Pico Neighborhood Council.  Mr. Gathier has lived on Hayworth for 8 years in Carthy Square.  There were no positions available for his area.

Ms. Liz Carlin reported on the new Farmers Market at New Holy Spirit Catholic Church. Other local Farmers Market in the area: 18th & LaCienega on Thursday, and Pico Square from 9:00-2:00pm. She also informed the Board of an upcoming volunteer Neighborhood Clean-Up on Saturday, April 28. It will start at Washington to Crenshaw and end on LaBrea.

Claudia Bayard reported on the success of the 1st Annual Mid City Eggstavaganza, that was held on Saturday, April 7. Over 1,500 children participated.  Mr. Kevin Browne had an Easter Egg Hunt with 300 in attendance and had only 3 volunteers.


Funding Requests Approved:

$306.00 Neighbors United Tree Care Event,

$1,000.00 PicFair Village Annual Event

$750.00 PicFair Village LAPD Event

$1,500.00 for Wilshire Highlands Annual Event

$100.00 for C.H.A.P.S. Organization

$1600 for Wilshire Vista Spring Mixer

$1,640.00 for Grayson Awareness Outreach, Computers

$687.32 Kiosk Panels, Anti-Graffiti Plexiglass

Funding Requests Denied:

$5,500.00 Wilshire Youth Athletic Football Program

20 Children @ $490 or $9,800.00 Enrichment Summer Camp

$1,800.00 Larry Boghetz (emergency training)


Mary Ann Yurkonis and Scott McNeely informed the Board of the sudden passing of fellow Board member Larry Batiste. Flowers were sent to the family. Larry will be truly missed.

Funding Request Approved:

$1,800.00 funding request for Pic Fair Village event to take place before the close of the fiscal year ($600.00 for AAA rentals and $1,200.00 for food truck);

Land Use Committee:

Marilouise Morgan introduced an application for a Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ). Motion to send a letter of support, if the residents approved, passed.

For more info, borders , meeting times and place



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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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