Congratulations to Mid City Neighborhood Council (MINC) for beating out 3 other nominated Councils from the S. Los Angeles area and winning the Empowerment LA Award from the City of Los Angeles for their outstanding community work in our area!
Pico Neighborhood Council elections were competitive with several people vying for different seats and several resulting ties.The winners are At-Large Stakeholder Rep.-Ron Geiger; Service/Non-Profit Reps.- Larry Bogatz, Allison Diamant, Donna Grayson; Business Reps.- Daniel Sosa, Yvette McNally; Senior Citizen Rep.- Sue Beidleman; Education Rep.- Shelly Littauer, Phu Tranchi.
Olympic Park Neighborhood Council ran into a glitch when they discovered they did not have enough nominated candidates to fill a quorum. Several board members who had been thinking about leaving volunteered to come back on board to help keep OPNC alive.
reprinted from CityWatch LA October 07 2024ELECTION 2024 - When you know the story of how Heather...
Local Neighborhood Councils are a proactive way to become involved in your relationship with the...
by Bob Gelfand CitywatchLAGELFAND’S WORLD - In a week of sometimes depressing news, I would like...
Every year, thousands of people lose money to telephone scams — from a few dollars to their life...
Destination: Pico is a community nonprofit working to make Pico Boulevard more walkable, vibrant,...
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