JEFFERSON RESIDENTS CHEER! Councilman Wesson finds $1,000,000 to Renovate Leslie N. Shaw Park

Leslie N. Shaw  Park was established in 1972 when Councilman Thomas Bradley convinced the city to buy the condemned property and turn it into a park. It is bordered on the west by the Black Seeds Mural and on the east by the Jefferson Library.  It has been used regularly by kids coming home from school or going to the library and local adults looking for a place to relax. But local residents Sandra Pruitt and Norman Gilmore thought the park could do a lot better and began to campaign for park improvement.  The following is a report from Edward Johnson, Chief Deputy of CD10, on the securing of the funds to renovate Leslie N. Shaw:

The funding was provided by the state of California’s Housing Related Parks program (HRP).

The California's Housing Related Parks program (HRP) Program is managed by the State Department of Housing and Community Development and funded through Proposition 1C. The HRP Program provides funds to Cities and Counties for the creation and renovation of parks and park facilities. The HRP Program awards funds to Cities based on the issuance of building permits for units affordable to lower-income households and for permits for affordable housing units that are substantially rehabilitated, converted and preserved during certain time periods ("Designated Program Year"). The State awards a base amount for each eligible unit, and bonus amounts based one either the types of eligible unit being constructed (e.g. new construction, or infill) and the location of the proposed park project (e.g. a project located in a park deficient or census designated disadvantaged community).  

Each year Recreation and Parks (RAP) works in partnership with the City's Housing And Community Investment Department to complete the HRP Program application. Housing and Community Investment Department provides the information on the affordable housing units and RAP identifies the park projects and prepares and submits the HRP Program application on behalf of the City. 

Leslie N. Shaw Park was awarded $1M in funding for "park rehabilitation" from Round 3 of the HRP Program. The awarded HRP Round 3 Funds need to be fully spent, and the project complete, by June 30, 2016.

I would add that key to the success of this funding was the work Mr. Wesson did in facilitating the development of two new affordable housing projects in the Jefferson Park area; the Mercy Housing project off Western, and the recently opened Safran project on Jefferson Boulevard.  The realization of those developments enabled the city’s application to meet the affordable housing criteria.


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Established in August of 2008 by writerartist Dianne V. Lawrence, The Neighborhood News covers the events, people, history, politics and historic architecture of communities throughout the Mid-City and West Adams area in Los Angeles Council District 10.

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